Professional Equality Index 2022

Professional Equality Index 2022


The "Avenir professionnel" law published on the 5 September 2018, requires companies to calculate an index of professioal equality between men and women, and to published it.

The Regie Ligne d'Azur obtained a positive score of 93/100 for the year 2022.

  Points Obtained
1 - pay gap (in %)


2 - differences in individual increases (in % points)


3 - promotion differences (in % points)


4 - percentage of employees increased upon return from maternity leave (%)


5 - number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest paid



A new indicator makes it possible to assess the reprensentation of women and men in management positions for the year 2022.

Representation gap among senior executives :

- Percentage of women among senior executives 33%

- Percentage of men among senior executives 67%