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Titles & Subscriptions

Titles & Subscriptions

Current rates

Current rates

No, the 1-day and 7-day Passes are individual tickets which can only be validated by one person. However, the Multi 10 Journeys and Multi+ 20 Journeys can be used by several passengers. Just validate the ticket as many times as there are passengers in the first bus, and once more if you change buses.

A reduced service during the school holidays (as on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) corresponds to the reduced demand we experience. We are always looking at ways to improve the timetables for these periods in each sector.

Current rates

"Ma Carte" is rechargeable and personal (name + photo) at a non-refundable price of 2 euros. It can be used to purchase and recharge occasional tickets and all season tickets.

Where to find it: in sales offices and mobile agencies or on the website in the Online office section

Where to recharge it up: at sales and mobile agencies, at ticket machines, at Lignes d'Azur sales points, on the Lignes d'Azur Tickets mobile application (on Android / on IOS) and on the website, Online office section

  • All subscriptions (under 26, All Public, over 65, Social and Solidarity)
  • Solo
  • 1 Aller-Retour
  • Multi-Voyages
  • Pass 1 jour / Pass 2 jours / Pass 7 jours / Pass 14 jours or Pass 30 jours
  • Pass Sud Azur

Discover the Fare Guide that will provide you with all the information needed to purchase your tickets and season tickets.

When you have several tickets on your card (e.g. a monthly pass and a Multi-Voyages), the pass has priority over all other tickets. So you can't travel with several people at the same time if you have a subscription on your card.

Visit one of our Lignes d'Azur/ Mobiles agencies, where we will draw up a loss or theft declaration together. This will enable us to suspend the lost card.

A duplicate card can be issued immediately on presentation of proof of identity, a recent passport photo and a €10 replacement fee.

You can also request a duplicate on the website, under Online office > Report a lost card

"La Carte" is a rechargeable, anonymous card costing 2 euros (refundable). It can be used to purchase and recharge occasional tickets.

Where to buy: at sales and mobile agencies, ticket vending machines and Lignes d'Azur sales points.

Where to recharge it up: in sales and mobile agencies, in ticket dispensers and Lignes d'Azur sales points, on the Lignes d'Azur Tickets mobile application (on Android / on IOS) and on the website, Online office section.

  • Solo
  • Solo Secours (only available on board buses)
  • 1 Aller-Retour
  • Multi-Voyages
  • Pass 1 jour / Pass 2 jours / Pass 7 jours / Pass 14 jours / Pass 30 jours
  • French Riviera Pass 24h / Pass 48h / Pass 72h
  • Pass Sud Azur

Discover the Fare Guide that will provide you with all the information needed to purchase your tickets and season tickets.

The 2 euros is for the purchase of the holder.

"La Carte" is rechargeable and reusable. If I don't use it anymore, I can return it and get my deposit back.

These new cards help to protect the public highway from the pollution caused by disposable tickets.

Visit one of our sales agencies, mobile agencies or a retailer.

Please note that it is not possible to obtain a refund for tickets remaining on "La Carte". Please make sure you use them all before returning your card.

"La Carte" is an anonymous card. Thus, it is not possible to recover the tickets loaded on it in case of loss or theft.

The different card models - pink, water green, blue and orange - have the same use and functions. The orange card is only sold on board the bus by the drivers, and is subsequently rechargeable and refundable, just like the other anonymous contactless cards.

  • The Ticket Azur, priced at 2.50 euros, allows you to make a journey on an urban line followed by a journey on a departmental line. This ticket does not entitle the holder to use special fare lines.
  • The 1 Aller-Retour Aéroport ticket, priced at 10 euros, allows you to make a round trip with a connection (within 74 minutes), to and from Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport. This ticket does not entitle the holder to use special fare lines.
  • The ParcAzur Loisirs Pass, priced at 6 euros, allows you to park your vehicle in the Parcazur Park and Ride. This pass is valid from 7pm to the end of service, Monday to Friday, and from 2pm to the end of service on Saturdays and Sundays. It is not valid for travel on Lignes d'Azur lines.
  • The 1 day Congress Pass, priced at 7 euros / 2 days, priced at 13 euros / 3 days, priced at 18 euros, reserved for congress delegates, provides unlimited travel on the Lignes d'Azur network during the period defined by the pass. This ticket does not entitle the holder to use special fares lines.
  • The Bagage Pass, priced at 7 euros, allows the handling of the following items in the hold on Haut-Pays routes served by coaches: 2nd item of boarding equipment, bicycle and 2nd item of luggage.

It is not possible to travel with several people on the same contactless ticket.

To travel properly, you must be in possession of a valid ticket. Tickets must not be folded or damager. If they are, they can not be exchanged or refunded.

In the event of a ticket actually malfunctioning, you can request a refund in the form of a free ticket from a sales office, as long as the ticket is in good condition.

Validation is mandatory at each climb, including in connection, for all travellers, casuals and subscribers. 

It allows us to measure the number of passengers, and thus adapt the Lignes d'Azur network to your needs.

To validate your contactless ticket or your "Ma Carte" and "La Carte" cards, place your holder against the validator.

Ticket must not be inserted into the validator slot.

  • Green "short beep" signal: the trip is registered, you are in order.
  • Red "short beep" signal: The ticket is invalid. You can see the reason for refusal on the screen. Present again your ticket against the validator. If the signal is red again, don't forget to buy another ticket so that you can be in order.
  • No light: show your ticket at another validator. If the validator remains silent, we invite you to buy another ticket in order to travel in compliance with the law.

  • If the validator indicator lights up red, check that your card is still valid or that your subscription or trips have not expired. You can test your card on another validator first.
  • If there is no light on the validator, your card may be malfunctioning. In this case, go to one of our Lignes d'Azur agencies with a photo and your card will be changed for free.

In both cases, don't forget to buy and validate a ticket, either from a ticket machine in the station, from the driver-receiver, or on the Lignes d'Azur Tickets app (for Android only). This ticket will be refun in the form of a free ticket if the card malfunctions, as long as the ticket is in good condition.

If the card turns out to be defective, apart from an abnormal use, it will be replaced free of charge by Lignes d'Azur (the right relating to the beneficiary profile and the trips approved on the damaged card will be credited to the new card).

A fee of 10 euros is required for the establishment of a new card if it has been damaged.

To find out how many journeys are left on the "Ma Carte" and "La Carte" holders, visit one of our sales agencies or mobile agencies, one of our retailers, on the Lignes d'Azur Tickets mobile application (on Android / on IOS) or directly on one of the tickets machines on the platforms of tramway stations and at certain bus stops.

The owner of the bank account must go to one of our sale agencies, with the new bank details and his ID. 

The bank details must be changed before the 15th of each month to be effective for the next debit.

You have two options:

Yes, that is possible. You need to apply to cancel your current contract before you can change your subscription.

No, it is not possible to suspend a subscription.

All annual subscriptions are refundable, without supporting documents.

No supporting documents are required to ask Lignes d'Azur for authorization and the conditions for the termination of its annual susbscription, whether it has been paid in cash or by direct debit.

Any request can be made by post (Espace Mobilités, 33 bd Dubouchage 06000 Nice) or on the website, by filling in the contact form in the "Contact us" section.

Lignes d'Azur undertakes to reply as soon as possible, referring to art.3 of the general regulations of the public transport network of the Metropole Nice Côte d'Azur: the Regie Ligne d'Azur revalorizes the price of the subscription, according to its period of validity, at the current monthly rate by adding 10 euros administration fee.

The validity of a subscription taken into account as part of a request for early termination is linked not only to the last use of the transport contract, but also to the date of receipt of the request by the RLA services. Any month started is due.

On request:

Direct debits are made on the 5th of each month.

Your direct debit schedule is issued  on the day you take out or renew your subscription. 

It can be reissued at any time at our sales offices, or on request by completing the contact form in the "Contact us" section.

No, that is not possible. Ticket purchases are neither exchangeable nor refundable.

  • Directly at one of our sales offices, on presentation of a sales receipt.
  • On your website, by filling in the contact form in the "Contact us" section.

The old "La Carte" version, still in circulation, is still valid.

It is equivalent to the new "Ma Carte" version, which is a subscription card.

You can get the train between "Nice" station (Libération district) and "Le Chandan" stop (Utelle village) with Lignes d'Azur fare.

"Ma Carte",  loaded with your usual subscription or SOLO 1 Voyage (one trip), 1 Aller/Retour (round trip), Multi-Voyages (several trips), Pass 1 jour (1 day), 2 jours (2 days), 7, 14 or 30 jours (7, 14, or 30 days) tickets.


- "La Carte", loaded with SOLO 1 Voyage (one trip), 1 Aller/Retour (round trip), Multi-Voyages (several trips), Pass 1 jour (one day), 2 jours (two days), 7, 14 or 30 jours (7, 14, or 30 days) tickets.

- Multimodal tickets (Pass SudAzur, French Riviera Pass, Pass Congrès...).

Please validate your card aboard the railcars, it is mandatory.

In the train station of Nice (Libération). You can buy "La Carte" and load SOLO 1 voyage, 1 Aller/Retour, Multi-Voyages, Pass 1 jour, Pass 2 jours and Pass 7 jours tickets.

- In the ticket machines soon installed in Nice, Gambetta and Colomars - La Manda stations. You can reload SOLO 1 voyage, 1 Aller/Retour, Multi-Voyages, Pass 1 jour, Pass 2 jours and Pass 7 jours tickets.

- In the whole ticket machines settled in the tram stations and main bus stops.

- On your smartphone with the Lignes d'Azur Tickets application.

- In the Lignes d'Azur sales agencies and mobile agencies.

- In the Lignes d'Azur resellers.

On days of matchs and concerts, you can go to the Allianz Riviera stadium with the Chemins de fer de Provence train line. 15 minutes leaving from the city centre of Nice ! Booking is mandatory during peak matchs and concerts : call +334 97 03 80 80 or in the train station of Nice.

I prepare my trip

Lignes d'Azur fares apply to all Lignes d'Azur buses and trams and TAM routes in Nice and all the Nice Côte d'Azur municipalities:

· Ligne 600 : NICE Square Normandie Niemen - CAP D'AIL Liberté
· Ligne 601 : NICE Square de Normandie - CAP D'AIL Liberté
· Ligne 602 : NICE Vauban - CAP D'AIL Salines Hôpital
· Ligne 603 : NICE Vauban - LA TRINITE Laghet - Le Rondeau
· Ligne 620 : NICE Parc Phoenix - CAGNES SUR MER Saint-Veran
· Ligne 650 : NICE Parc Phoenix - CAGNES SUR MER Le Tunnel
· Ligne 651 : VENCE Collège de la Sine - VENCE Notre Dame des Fleurs
· Ligne 671 : LE BROC Village ou La Fontonne - NICE CADAM
· Ligne 672 : NICE Grand Arénas - GILETTE OU BONSON Village

If you wish to travel further than these destinations, you must buy a ticket from the driver at the district rate as soon as you board.

Yes, all the Lignes d'Azur tickets allow for connections with other lines within a period of 74 minutes. These connections may not be used as return journeys.

Starting in early April 2009, you can divide a tram journey into several stages (within the 74-minute period).

For security reasons, passengers are requested to pay in cash and give the driver/conductor the exact change.

However, cheques are accepted for amounts over €15, where several people are travelling together for example. An identity document, identity card or driving licence must be presented to the driver/conductor.

Credit cards are not accepted.


If passengers do not have a valid ticket, they must pay a fine. If this cannot be paid immediately, the inspector is authorised to draw up a report and demand the offender's identity.

It is a park-and-ride car park for drivers who wish to continue their journey using public transport. The tram can take you quickly and easily into the centre of Nice.

For more information on how the Parcazur car parks work in Nice Côte d'Azur, look at "Park-and-ride car parks".

All the municipalities in Nice Côte d'Azur are served by the Lignes d'Azur network (Aspremont - Bairols - Bonson - Beaulieu-sur-Mer - Belvédère - Cagnes-sur-Mer - Cap d'Ail - Carros - Castagniers - Châteauneuf Villevieille - Clans - Colomars - Drap - Duranus - Eze - Falicon - Gattières - Gilette - Ilonse - Isola - La Bollène-Vésubie - La Gaude - La Roquette-sur-Var - La Tour-sur-Tinée - La Trinité - Lantosque - Le Broc - Levens - Marie - Nice - Rimplas - Roquebillière - Roubion - Roure - Saint-André-de-la-Roche - Saint-Blaise - Saint-Dalmas-le-Selvage - Saint-Etienne-de-Tinée - Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat - Saint-Jeannet - Saint-Laurent-du-Var - Saint-Martin-du-Var - Saint-Martin-Vésubie - Saint-Sauveur-sur-Tinée - Tournefort - Tourrette-Levens - Utelle - Valdeblore - Venanson - Vence - Villefranche-sur-Mer).

For safety reasons, drivers/conductors can only pick up and set down passengers at official Lignes d'Azur bus stops.

No money may be collected on board the vehicles. Therefore, unless Lignes d'Azur gives its permission, musical instruments may not be played on the vehicles.


In the Ligne d'Azur branches and the Infobus or at the website in the "Timetables" section.

Lignes d'Azur is not responsible for objects or luggage carried by passengers.

If an item is lost on:

  • Lines 1 to 19 (except line 9), line B, 20, 21, 30, 32, 33, 35 to 38, 57, 64, 70, 81, 98, 99, CADAM EST: contact the call centre on 08 1006 1006.
  • Lines 9, 31, 34, 39 to 52, 54, 55, 58, 60 to 63, 71, 72, 75, 76, EXP3, spécific R, V, 75D, navettes Coeur de Vence : contact TCA on 04 97 00 07 00.
  • Lines 59, EXP2, spécific K, transport-demand service C7, C10, C40 to C44 : contact TANP on 04 93 80 94 91
  • Transport demand-service C6 : TANP on 06 67 88 05 88
  • Lines 19, 79, 80, 82 to 86, 88 : SUMA on 06 21 31 71 13 (morning) and on 06 21 22 83 97 (afternoon)
  • Lines 19, 79, 80, 82 to 86, 88 : contact SAM on 04 93 92 17 55
  • Lines 22, 67, 68, 69, 73, 77, EXP4 and spécific C: contact TACAVL on 06 09 88 65 68 (morning), on 06 59 19 48 03 (afternoon) and on 06 50 23 77 76 (weekend)
  • Lines 90 and 93 : contact TRAM on 04 93 89 47 14.
  • Lines 91, 92, 741 to 745, Inter-villages, Auron, Isola Village and internal Isola 2000 shuttles : contact SANTA on 04 93 13 50 71.
  • Lines 89 and tranport-demand services C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C8, C11, C12, C89 : contact 04 93 54 58 18

If the loss occurred over a week ago, contact the Municipal Police lost property department on 04 97 13 44 10.

In this order: disabled war veterans, people with visual impairments, people injured at work, other people with disabilities, pregnant women, people accompanied by children under 4 and elderly people.

Seats should always be given up for these passengers.

Tram line 1 has no turning circle, so the trams in service have a driver's cabin at each end, and can change direction without having to turn round. They therefore have doors on both sides in order to operate in both directions. Indeed some stops, such as Borriglione and Pont Michel, have central platforms.

The buses and trams are free for children under 4. Two children under 10 can travel with a single SOLO ticket.

This is a system for passengers with prams and people with disabilities. Using the blue button to open the doors prevents the nearest double doors for disabled access closing automatically, and warns the driver to be especially careful when closing the doors manually. Each tram has two "PMR" buttons at the first double doors of each set of coaches.

Note the time, route, stop, vehicle number and any other information that may be useful.

Report the incident at the nearest police station.

Inform Ligne d'Azur of the circumstances, preferably by e-mail (, or by telephone (08 1006 1006) or letter (Société ST2N, 2 Boulevard Henri Sappia, 06100 NICE).

You must validate your card every time you board a bus, whatever type of subscription you have (employee, school, freedom of movement etc.). If your card could not be validated for technical reasons, buy a ticket from the ticket machine or the driver/conductor. The ticket will be refunded in the form of a free ticket if your card malfunctions.

This requirement for validation has two objectives:

  • Formalising the transport contract between you and Lignes d'Azur,

  • Allowing us to optimise our route management, adapting the frequency and capacity of the buses to the numbers of passengers who use them.

All the new buses have low floors, allowing easier access. In addition, an access ramp for wheelchairs can be deployed if needed, and if the bus stop has a platform.

For trams, a permanent edge has been added to all the PMR (people with reduced mobility) entrances of the trams to limit the space between the platform and the door sill to 3 cm. What's more, to avoid accidents caused by doors closing automatically, the blue buttons enable people with disabilities to board and get off at their own speed. We also recommend looking at the explanatory icons near the doors.

If you have an accident with one of our vehicles, the procedures to follow depend on the operator:

  • For the following lines : 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 57, 64, 76, 82, CADAM Est, spécifiques V et 75D and the tram lines 1, 2, 3 and B, the driver and third party exchange details and agree on an appointment at the accident department to settle the case.
  • For buses on other routes, an accident report will be prepared.

Roller-blades and roller-skates may not be worn on buses and trams.

Furthermore, being pulled along while holding on to the body of a vehicle is totally forbidden. The operator cannot be held liable in the event of an accident.

Prams are carried free of charge. They can be loaded on to buses through the front door, and on to trams using the access for disabled people. They must be immobilised on one of the central platforms across the direction of travel, and their owners must hold on to them during the journey, making sure they do not injure other passengers or damage the vehicle.


A change is not a connection, just the place where routes cross and have shared stops. The changes we announce just indicate the stops where changes can take place, but without reference to the timetables.

You can submit all your comments at the Lignes d'Azur website, in the "How to contact us" section


For safety reasons, you may not board vehicles with animals, except:

  • Small dogs, as long as they are properly muzzled and kept on a lead on the lap of the person accompanying them,

  • Cats, as long as they are kept in a basket or cage,

  • Guide dogs or guide dogs in training (with proof). These dogs are exempt from wearing a muzzle.

In all cases, the passenger accompanying the animal must have a valid ticket.

For safety reasons, and because no bike space is provided on the buses and trams, bikes and other very bulky objects may not be brought on board.

The biggest cause of delays is traffic. Although in some cases we have bus lanes and priority at traffic lights, we are still affected by traffic congestion. Our traffic control centre is responsible for taking all appropriate measures to mitigate the consequences for our passengers.

At tram stops, electronic displays indicate the arrival times of the next two trams in real time and announce information about any disruptions.

Yes, Lignes d'Azur offers a number of services for this purpose:

  • The Lignes d'Azur website

  • A text information service, Info SMS, is available free of charge for annual subscribers (except non-taxable war veterans and senior citizens). You can register for this service when you take out the subscription.

The law banning smoking in public places, in force since 1 February 2007, applies to public transport: buses, trams, stations, branches, bus stations.